
Lollineon is jekyll engined blog that is LolliPop styled in light-mode and NeonSign styled in dark-mode

✔️ Usage

Setting Configuration

Add following to the _config.yml

title: <Your blog name>
email: <Your email>

nickname: <Your nickname>
user_description: <Write short description about you>
profile_image: <url of your profile image> # width and height of your image must be same!

  x: <Your twitter page>
  website: <Your other website>

Home (About) Page

Modify file and add the following

layout: home
title: Home
permalink: /

# This is My Blog

This name is LolliLemon!


Create markdown file into _posts file. This filename following this

YYYY-mm-dd-{this is post title}.md
  • YYYY-mm-dd is Date (ex: 2024-09-13)
  • post-title is only english and hipen -

Post header following this

layout: post
title:  <Post title name>
date:   YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (+0000)
categories: <Category-name of this post>
summary: <short summary of this post>
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]

Upload And Import Image Into markdown files

Sometimes, You need to import some images into post and index page. To import this following this

  1. add image you want into assets/img/post
  2. write this into markdown file
      ![testimage](/assets/img/post/{image filename})